
Septic Tank Root Removal near Strawberry Plains, TN by Anthony A. (Check-in #6985)

  • September 3, 2021
  • 36.0346183, -83.67023739
  • Strawberry Plains, TN 37871

Job Description:

Our clients septic tank was so thoroughly packed with roots we could not remove them by hand or hand tools. We had to uncover the entire septic tank, remove the large extremely heavy lids, and then pull the roots out with the excavator bucket. The job went very successfully and to our clients good fortune, the roots only penetrated the concrete of the tank very minimally even though there was about 350 gallons of space being taken up by roots alone in the tank. Our client’s septic system capacity was cut in half by the roots. Now their septic tank is operating at 100%

Job Type:

Septic Tank Root Removal

Tech Name:

Anthony A.

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